Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Menulis lg part 2

Mencoba untuk menulis lagi.. beberapa hari yang lalu, semangat masih berkobar-kobar, tapi seperti entah hilang kemana... Mungkin karena terlalu lama absen dr dunia hingar bingar menulis.. Semoga dapat "petuah" utk kembali ak...

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Menulis lg

Kendari, di subuh hari Setelah vakum 2 thn..rasanya blog in sayang utk ditelantarkan begitu sj.. Akan kurebut semangat itu kembali untuk menulis untuk sebuah awal, niat utk aktif lg sudah lebih dr cukup Sambil mengedit sebagian template blogs yg sudah kusam.. Ah, kopinya belum matang utk menemaniku berlama-lama disini....

Senin, 06 September 2010

Akhirnya bisa posting juga

Assalamualaikum all...wah kasian dirimu ya blogs...beberapa lama waktu saya telantarkan dirimu...maafkan...kesibukan lah yang membuatku begini :)....Kita juga sudah memasuki Ramadhan 1431 H , mau ngomongin Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan, sudah lewat....Gimana situasi ramadhannya?? semoga selalu maksimal yo....Udah mau berakhir ramadhan ya...sedih juga...itu aja dulu perkenalan awal lagi :)Salam dr Kendari var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push(['siteId', 36120]); _pop.push(['minBid', 0.0005]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP',...

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

adsense camp first payment

sorry, iam late to post this article too...it`s again payment..even it`s not bigger but it proof for us that adsense camp is pay us...thanks adsense cam...

mylot pay me in first time

iam happy guys...iam sorry iam very late to make a post again..you know sometimes, we as blogger or writer lost our desire to write..right?now, i want to share my joy ness..finally, i get the first paymet from Mylot...thanks..it can me and you can believe that Mylot is really paying indonesian members....

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

my First Payment proof from KumpulBlogger

At least after several days dissapear, i get back to blogging here. i bring a good news (i hope you can follow too).i get several payments, but here i want to write about my payment in KumpulBlogger 2 days ago..Thanks to Mas Kukuh as owner of KB and I do hope KB still bring joy for their members..NB : for my security, so i make some "coretan" in my...

Rabu, 25 November 2009

change again template

hm, it`s so weird.After several days, change my first template and want to enjoy my second template, but there are problems with my second template.thanks to my friends which give correction about my second template. and now i want to change again my template.Hope no problems anymore with this template.btw, how do you do my frie...

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